This program does not use any fixed memory locations for the head or tail of the
link list, but uses all the registers available to it. However, for some of the
functions it does not follow the convention of saving all the registers RBX
, R12-R15
on the stack at every function call since some of these registers
contain pointers to the head and tail of the link list. Even if we did that, the
program would hardly change much.
Most of the code is the same as in the previous post, except for the replacement of the head and tail of the linked list with registers R12
and R13
section .rodata
int_format0 db "WIN: %ld ",10,0
int_format1 db "loss: %ld ",10,0
int_format2 db "AMT: %ld ",10,0
prompt1 db "RESULTS: %ld out of %ld tries",10,0
; struct Link {
; int data;
; struct Link* prev;
; struct Link* next;
; };
%define data_offset 0
%define prev_offset 8
%define next_offset 16
%define size_of_list 24
%define RAND_MAX 2147483647
%define sys_getpid 39
section .text
global get_bet, get_amt, add_to_list, remove_from_list
global main
extern printf
extern srand, rand
extern malloc, free
; prologue
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
push rbx
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
; do we need stack variables ?
; let us use the multitude of registers available to us
; let R12 be head of the doubly-linked list
; let R13 be tail of the doubly-linked list
; let R14 be the winnings at the end
; let R15 be the number of chances
xor r12, r12
xor r13, r13
xor r14, r14
xor r15, r15
; First fill in the first 4 elements of the list
xor rax,rax
mov rdi, size_of_list
call malloc
mov r12, rax
mov [r12 + data_offset], dword 1
xor rax, rax
mov [r12 + prev_offset], rax
mov rdi, size_of_list
call malloc
mov [r12 + next_offset], rax
mov [rax + data_offset], dword 2
mov [rax + prev_offset], r12
push rax
mov rdi, size_of_list
xor rax, rax
call malloc
pop r8
mov [r8 + next_offset], rax
mov [rax + data_offset], dword 3
mov [rax + prev_offset], r8
push rax
mov rdi, size_of_list
xor rax, rax
call malloc
pop r8
mov [r8 + next_offset], rax
mov r13, rax
mov [r13 + data_offset], dword 4
mov [r13 + prev_offset], r8
xor rax, rax
mov [r13 + next_offset], rax
mov rax, sys_getpid
mov rdi, rax
call srand
cmp r12,0
jz print_result
cmp r13,0
jz print_result
mov rsi, r13
mov rdi, r12
call get_amt
push rax
inc r15
mov rsi, rax
mov rdi, dword int_format2
xor rax, rax
call printf
call get_bet
pop r10
cmp rax, 18
jg loss_block
add r14, r10
mov rsi, r13
mov rdi, r12
xor rax, rax
call remove_from_list
mov rsi, r14
mov rdi, dword int_format0
xor rax, rax
call printf
jmp while_loop
sub r14, r10
mov rsi, r10
mov rdi, r13
call add_to_list
mov r13, rax
mov rsi, r14
mov rdi, dword int_format1
xor rax, rax
call printf
jmp while_loop
mov rdx, r15
mov rsi, r14
mov rdi, dword prompt1
xor rax, rax
call printf
; epilogue with return value 0
xor rax,rax
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
pop rbx
mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
push rsi
cmp rdi, rsi
je free_tail_only
cmp rdi, 0
jz free_tail_only
mov r12, [rdi + next_offset]
call free ; on rdi
cmp r12, 0
jz free_tail_only
xor rcx, rcx
mov [r12 + prev_offset], rcx
pop rsi
mov rcx, rsi
cmp rsi, 0
jz ret_frm_rmvfrmlist
mov r13, [rsi + prev_offset]
mov rdi, rsi
call free
cmp r13, 0
jz ret_frm_rmvfrmlist
xor rcx, rcx
mov [r13 + next_offset],rcx
xor rax, rax
mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
push rsi
push rdi
mov rdi, size_of_list
call malloc
pop rdi
pop rsi
mov [rdi + next_offset], rax
cmp rax, 0
jz ret_frm_add2list
mov [rax + data_offset], rsi
xor rcx, rcx
mov [rax + next_offset],rcx
mov [rax + prev_offset], rdi
mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov rax, [rdi + data_offset]
xor rcx, rcx
cmp [rdi + next_offset],rcx
jz ret_frm_getamt
add rax, [rsi + data_offset]
mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
push 38
call rand
push rax
fild qword [rbp - 24] ; rax
fild qword [rbp - 8] ; 38
fmulp st1
fild qword [rbp - 16] ; RAND_MAX
faddp st1
fdivp st1
fistp qword [rbp - 24]
mov rax, [rbp -24]
mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp
If the above assembly program was called roulette2.asm
then executing the
following statements would create the executable roulette2.out
$ yasm -f elf64 roulette2.asm
$ ld -m elf_x86_64 -dynamic-linker /lib64/ \
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/crti.o \
roulette2.o /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/crtn.o -lc -o roulette2.out
Download roulette2.asm.